NCM is situated on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung people. We pay respects to them, especially their Elders and storytellers, as well as all First Peoples, nationwide. NCM acknowledges that communication technologies have a long history here, far longer than European occupation.

Privacy policy

NCM Privacy Policy

  1. Purpose

Heritage Telecommunications Ltd (HTL) is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who engage with HTL, including past and present visitors, contractors, employees, volunteers and other individuals in relation to the collection, use, storage and management of personal information.

HTL acknowledges its obligations under the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and Australian Privacy Principles and is wholly committed to meeting these obligations as it relates to charitable organisations. It is not intended to cover categories of information that are not covered by the Privacy Act.

This policy explains how HTL handles personal information including how it collects, uses and protects such information.

  1. Scope

This policy applies to all personal and sensitive information relating to current and past team members, contractors, volunteers and visitors of HTL.

  1. What is Personal Information?

Personal Information includes a broad range of information, or an opinion, that could identify an individual. Some Personal Information is obvious such as an individual’s name, address, phone number or date of birth. Personal Information can also include credit and bank account details, photos or location information from a mobile device.

  1. Collection and Use of Personal Information

HTL will collect Personal Information from its employees, visitors, patrons, contractors and other individuals where necessary to undertake its functions, including:

  • commercial functions such as the sale and purchase of goods and other general operations;
  • ticketing;
  • visitor feedback and comments;
  • participation in market research and evaluation, education, community programs;
  • public enquiries;
  • provision of personalised visitor content;
  • collections, research and exhibitions;
  • memberships & subscriptions;
  • marketing and communications;
  • fundraising;
  • governance;
  • stakeholder management;
  • staff and volunteers – recruitment and employment
  • commercial, including online transaction services to purchase goods or services, and general operations; and
  • via CCTV footage for security purposes.

HTL may also use your Personal Information for secondary purposes closely related to the primary purpose, in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure. When HTL collects Personal Information we will, where appropriate and where possible, explain to you why we are collecting the information and how we plan to use it.

HTL will collect Personal Information in a lawful manner, meaning that it will only be collected for business related purposes in compliance with its data classification for employees to perform their roles. Where practical and reasonable, HTL will collect most Personal Information directly from individuals when it deals with them.

The Personal Information HTL collects may be provided in forms filled out by individuals, face to face meetings, email messages, telephone conversations, when you use HTL’s websites or social media, or by third parties. If you contact HTL, it may keep a record of that contact. In some circumstances, it may take photographs or videos of individuals, such as at events or exhibitions.

Employee records are not generally subject to the Privacy Act and therefore this policy may not apply to the handling of information about employees by HTL. For information about our practices relating to employee information, please contact HTL senior management.

  1. What is Sensitive Information

Sensitive Information is defined in the Privacy Act as any information about a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual preferences or practices, criminal record or health information.

  1. Collection and Use of Sensitive Information

Sensitive information will be used by us only:

  • For the primary purpose for which it was obtained
  • For a secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary purpose
  • With your consent; or where required or authorised by law.

  1. Marketing Communications

HTL may collect, hold and use Personal Information about individuals to send marketing communications to them, including keeping visitors and other contacts informed of industry developments, exhibitions that HTL believes may be of interest to them and fundraising activities. These communications may be sent in various ways, including by email or other electronic means.

Like many organisations, and as is permitted under relevant laws, HTL often relies upon the implied consent of individuals to send them marketing communications.

Individuals always have the opportunity to elect not to receive further marketing communications from HTL. The opt out options include, amongst others, an unsubscribe option in the marketing communication, and writing to the Co-CEOs, National Communications Museum, 375 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn 3122 or by emailing us at <Insert relevant email> In cases of written requests please allow 28 days for your request to be processed.

  1. Disclosure of Personal Information

HTL will only use or disclose Personal Information for the purpose it was collected for or otherwise permitted in accordance with the Privacy Act.

HTL may also use your information – for planning, research and product development. HTL may also disclosure your information to data processors, data mail houses or specialised call centres.

  1. Security of Personal Information

HTL will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to keep secure any Personal Information which it holds about you, whether electronically or in hard-copy, and to keep this information accurate and up to date. HTL also requires its employees and data processors to respect the confidentiality of any Personal Information held by HTL.

  1. Data Breach

A data breach happens when personal information is accessed or disclosed without authorisation or is lost usually in the following circumstances:

  • when a device with a customer’s personal information is lost or stolen;
  • when database with personal information is hacked; or
  • when personal information is mistakenly given to the wrong person.

In the event this occurs, HTL will notify affected individuals and the Australian Information Commissioner ( ) if the data breach involves personal information that is likely to result in serious harm.

  1. Access to Information

HTL will provide access to Personal Information upon request by an individual in accordance with the Privacy Act, except in the limited circumstances in which it is permitted for HTL to withhold this information (for instance, where granting access would infringe another person's privacy).

If at any time you want to access the Personal Information HTL holds about you, you may contact us by writing to: Co-CEO, National Communications Museum, 375 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn 3122 or emailing us at .

In order to protect your Personal Information we may require identification from you before releasing the requested information.

  1. Corrections or Concerns

If you believe that Personal Information HTL holds about you is incorrect or out of date, or if you have concerns about how HTL is handling your Personal Information, please contact HTL’s General Manager using the contact details set out above and they will try to resolve those concerns.

If HTL becomes aware of any ongoing concerns or problems concerning our privacy practices, it will take these issues seriously and work to address these concerns. If you have any further queries relating to our privacy policy, or you have a problem or complaint, please contact HTL’s Co-CEOs​ on the details above​. If you are not satisfied with our handling of your problem or complaint you may make a complaint to the Australian Information Commissioner (

Statement of Commitment to Child Safe Standards

In line with the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 the National Communication Museum (NCM) is committed to upholding the Victorian Child Safe Standards, to the best of its abilities and resources.

NCM as an organisation is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children visiting, engaging and working with us. NCM is also committed to the empowerment of all children, their right to voice their opinions and recognises children’s rights. We take all necessary precautions and steps to ensure that children are protected from physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, and cultural abuse and neglect.

At NCM we have zero tolerance for child abuse and racism and will not tolerate discriminatory practices. We recognise that particular groups of children have increased vulnerabilities and are committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds. We are also committed to the safety of d/Deaf and disabled children, neurodiverse children, children who identify as LGBTQIA+ and/or children in out of home care and youth justice.

We have policies, procedures, training, human resources and recruitment practices for all staff and volunteers, to achieve this commitment. This includes;

  • Robust human resources and recruitment practices for all staff and volunteers.
  • Regular training and educating staff in roles that interact with children and families.
  • Reporting procedures to identify risks to child safety as early as possible.

NCM treats all safety concerns brought to their attention seriously and consistently with the NCM’s policies and procedures. For more information about NCM’s commitment refer to the NCM Child Safe and Wellbeing Policy and Procedure.

For further information on Child safety and wellbeing standards when interacting with children, refer to:

Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005

Child Wellbeing and Safety Amendment (Child Safe Standards) Act 2015

For more information on NCM's Child Wellbeing and Safety Policy, email or read the NCM Child Wellbeing and Safety Policy.

Terms of Use (Website) is owned and operated by the National Communication Museum (NCM), ABN 51 625 791 442 (Heritage Telecommunication Limited). In this policy, “us” “we” or “our” means the National Communication Museum (NCM). By accessing this Website, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use (Terms of Use). Your access to and use of the Website is subject to these Terms of Use.

  1. General

These Terms of Use apply to all use, interaction with or contribution to, all parts of the website, and by doing so you agree to fully comply with these conditions. Additional Terms and Conditions apply when website is used to purchase merchandise, memberships or tickets, Access or purchase of a Patreon Membership, or accessing digital learning resources.

NCM reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use at any time without notice to you. Your continued use of the Website after such change constitutes an agreement by you to abide by the Terms of Use, as amended.

  1. Website Content

You understand and agree that all material, information and data accessed or used by, or provided to, you through the Website (the Website Content) is the intellectual property of NCM or any relevant third parties from whom NCM may license that Website Content.

You may not modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute or create derivative works based on any of the Website Content (either in whole or in part) unless you have been specifically told that you may do so by NCM or by the owners of that Website Content, in a separate agreement.

You understand that by using the Website you may be exposed to Website Content that you may find offensive, indecent or objectionable and that, in this respect, you use the Website, including obtaining and using any information, products and services, at your own risk. You acknowledge that we may use Cookies on our website, and by using the site consent to this use.

  1. Intellectual Property

Material published on this website is protected by copyright and, where applicable, moral and cultural rights. 

NCM does not own the copyright in all the material on this website. In some cases, copyright belongs to third parties and has been published on this website under a licence agreement: this does not authorise you to copy that material. You may be required to obtain permission from the copyright owner.

For more information on copyright law in Australia, Australian Copyright Council.

  1. User Content

If you upload information or content (User Content) in the course of accessing or using the Website, you agree that such User Content will be available to NCM to use in any manner it thinks fit, subject to applicable provisions of the NCM Privacy Policy and legislation, including, without limitation, the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). You agree that you will not upload or otherwise provide any User Content which:

  • is defamatory, fraudulent, unlawful, threatening, intimidating, harassing, harmful, hateful, abusive, tortious, vulgar, obscene, invasive of another's privacy, sexist, racist, homophobic, violent, degrading;
  • infringes the intellectual or other proprietary interests of third parties;
  • impersonates another person or entity, attempts to solicit personal information from another user, contains sexually explicit language or images, advertises or promotes the sale of products or services such as firearms, tobacco or alcohol, adult products and services and any other products or services NCM considers to be inappropriate;
  • contains spam, chain letters, pyramid and other such selling and marketing schemes, computer viruses, computer code, files or programs or other harmful components that are designed to interrupt, destroy, change or limit the functionality of the Website or any other computer software, hardware or other electronic equipment, information which in any way impinges on another user's use or enjoyment of the Website or otherwise breaches or encourages other users to breach these Terms;
  • violates any law, statute or regulation;
  • forges information to disguise the origin of any User Content; and
  • encourages or incites any other person to engage in any of the above behaviour.

You grant NCM a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocably, royalty-free, sub-licensable right to exercise the copyright you have in any User Content. You also agree to waive any moral rights or similar rights you may have or may acquire in the future in that User Content in favour of NCM.

  1. Disclaimers

Material, opinions and views contributed by users of the websites reflect the views and opinions of individual contributors or third parties and are not NCM’s views.

While the Museum endeavours to ensure that the websites are accurate and up to date, no responsibility is accepted for errors or omissions and NCM recommends that you exercise your own skill, judgement and care with respect to its use. This statement does not apply to representations by NCM in the course of supplying goods of services, including via its online shop.

  1. Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, NCM excludes all liability to any person for loss or damage of any kind (however caused, including by negligence) arising in relation to, from or relating in any way to the material on the websites and/or any use of the websites. Where any law imposes a guarantee in relation to these terms of use which may not lawfully be excluded, then to the maximum extent permitted by law, NCM’s liability for breach of the guarantee will be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.

  1. Indemnity 

You indemnify NCM against any action, liability, claim, loss, damage, proceeding, expense (including legal costs) suffered or incurred by NCM, arising from, or which is directly or indirectly, related to:

  • your breach or non-observance of any term of these Terms; or
  • any breach or inaccuracy in any representations or warranties made to NCM.

  1. Suspension or termination of access

NCM reserves the right to deny you access to, or use of, all or part of the Website, without prior notice, if you engage in any conduct that NCM believes, in its sole discretion violates any provision of these Terms of Use, violates the rights of NCM or third parties or is otherwise inappropriate.

  1. Links

Links from the websites and email newsletters to external websites are provided for convenience only and do not constitute endorsement by NCM of any material found at those sites. NCM does not take any responsibility for the operations of links to external websites or for the content, accuracy or legality of material on any external websites.

  1. Privacy Policy

NCM is committed to protecting your personal privacy. The principles that guide NCM in relation to collecting, handling and storing your personal information can be found in our Privacy Policy above.

This statement sets out how we protect your privacy and manage your personal information. It applies to all people who visit or otherwise deal with us, including through our website and on social media.

Terms & Condition of Public Entry

Welcome to NCM. We hope you enjoy your visit today. NCM is committed to providing a safe and welcoming space for all our visitors.

By entering NCM, you agree to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions of Public Entry. They apply to the ‘premises’; this means any building, or part of any building, managed or controlled by NCM.

While on the NCM premises you must not:

  • Bring food and drink, into exhibition galleries and spaces, and other places where this is restricted. Food and Drink can be consumed in designated areas, please ask our staff at NCM, to find out where these designated areas are located.
  • Smoke tobacco, e-cigarettes and vapes on the NCM Premises.
  • Have in your possession or consume your own alcohol.
  • Enter any NCM Premises under the influence of, consume, or carry illegal drugs or controlled substances.
  • Leave Bags or belongings unattended. NCM is not liable for lost or stolen property.
  • Have in your possession open cannisters of any fluid, beverage or water, and only drink water in indicated designated areas.
  • Leave children under 13 years of age unaccompanied at any time during your visit.
  • Touch exhibited objects, installations or artworks that are restricted from visitors doing so. (At NCM, we have many interactive displays, objects and artworks that can be touched. If there are displays, objects and artworks that visitors are restricted from touching, there will be signage displayed indicating this or our friendly staff will inform you verbally.)
  • Interfere with objects on display that may cause yourself or other visitor's harm. In the NCM Premises there are objects or active electrical wiringthat may cause injury if interfered with or touched by visitors. NCM is not liable for any injury caused by visitors interfering and/or touching objects that are on display.
  • Use commercial photography and videography taken within/ or of the NCM Premises without reaching an agreement or with express permission from NCM.
  • Use tripods and selfie sticks within the NCM Premises without express permission from NCM.
  • Use flash or lighting equipment when signage has indicated or staff have verbally expressed restrictions, when photographing or videoing indicated exhibitions, objects, artworks, items and displays.
  • Without approval, display any advertising material, offer for sale or hire any article or item, conduct a commercial business, solicit money from individuals, or recruit or attempt to recruit membership in any type of organisation whatsoever.
  • Bring animals onto NCM Premises, except for Guide Dogs and other registered assistance dogs.

NCM reserves the right to:

  • Exclude or remove any person from any building, or part of any building, managed or controlled by the NCM. Including, but not limited to, those adversely affected by drugs or alcohol.
  • Inspect any bag, luggage or object, however described, upon entry to and before leaving NCM Premises.

  • Use Security Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras throughout the NCM premises.
  • Create records of programs, events and activities taking place on NCM Premises for reporting, archival, marketing/ promotional or legal purposes. These records may include images, film and/or sound recordings, including those captured through social media or other digital means. 

While on NCM premises you must:

  • Comply with any current rules or policies established by NCM, including the Terms and Conditions of Sale.
  • Conduct yourself in a manner which does not interfere with, disrupt or offend other persons on the NCM premises. NCM will not tolerate any abuse directed towards NCM staff, volunteers, contractors, program facilitators or other visitors, and will not tolerate behaviour that is discriminatory or abusive based on, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality or religion.
  • Deposit any items, umbrellas and bags deemed to be large by NCM, with the NCM Cloakroom as soon as possible after entry.
  • Wear clothing and footwear at all times, to protect against injury.
  • Supervise any children (including school students) for whom you are responsible and ensure that they do not breach any of these Terms and Conditions of Public Entry.
  • Be accompanied by a supervising adult if you are aged under 13 years old.
  • Comply with any reasonable request, including signage, by NCM in relation to your entry or continued presence on the NCM Premises.
  • Comply with any restrictions on use of photographic or recording equipment (including tripods, flash or light equipment).
  • If accompanied by a Guide Dog or other registered assistance dog, ensure that they are wearing their indicated Qualified Assistance Dogs logos on their jacket and you have a digital, or physical public access licence. Comply with requests from NCM staff to sight the public access licence of any Assistance Dogs.
  • Comply with any applicable directions under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Vic) as at the time of entry.
  • The ticket holder voluntarily assumes all risks and danger in any way connected to admission to any NCM venue or event for which a ticket is issued, whether occurring prior to, during or after the admission or event. The ticket holder voluntarily agrees that NCM and employees are expressly released by the ticket holder from any claims or damages arising from such causes.

The following items are prohibited on NCM premises:

  • Any kind of knife, weapon or other item or substance restricted by law.
  • Tripods, aerosol containers, rolled prints/ posters, metal tip umbrellas and balloons.
  • USB, Portable hard drives or any other device that can be connected to a computer or display.
  • Any other item which in the discretion of NCM’s staff or security is considered capable of being used to cause damage to NCM’s Premises, the public or collection items or conceal a collection item for removal.

To the full extent permitted by law, you release, discharge and indemnify NCM from all claims and demands on NCM and any loss or damage whatsoever and whenever caused, arising from your attendance at the NCM premises, except where such claim arises as a result of a negligent or wilful act or omission by NCM.

If any of these Terms and Conditions of Public Entry are illegal or unenforceable, the offending part is to be disregarded and does not affect the remaining part.

Terms & Condition of Sale


  • Tickets are valid only when purchased through NCM or from an authorised sales channel. NCM reserves the right to cancel and not refund any ticket it reasonably believes has been bought or sold by an unauthorised seller.
  • A valid ticket must be produced to gain entry to a ticketed exhibition, program or event.
  • A booking cannot be confirmed without full receipt of payment.
  • Ticket holders should be prepared to produce valid identification, member or concession cards (if applicable) at point of entry. If proof of entitlement is not able to be presented, ticket holders may be required to upgrade to an Adult General Admission ticket. Individual Concession or NCM Digital Members cards must be presented to receive discounted tickets.
  • An online booking fee of AUD$ per transaction will be charged where applicable. This fee is notified prior to purchase.
  • If you are unable to access you tickets digitally, tickets may only be validated by the purchaser recorded.
  • NCM reserves the right to vary ticket prices, seating arrangements and capacity, add, withdraw, or reschedule programs and presenters.

Third Parties

  • Some tickets are sold by NCM as agent for the event owner or sponsor. IN such cases the terms and conditions of the event owner or sponsor will also apply. Details of these terms will be available on the event page on NCM’s website or on the event owner or sponsor’s website.
  • NCM tickets are not to be used for advertising, promotions, contests, sweepstakes or resale unless authorised by NCM. Use of the NCM’s trademarks and other intellectual property is subject to NCM’s consent. NCM reserves the right to cancel a ticket if any of these terms and conditions are considered to be breached.

Cancellation & Refunds

  • NCM reserves the right to cancel a ticket and refund the amount paid.
  • Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable, unless stated otherwise. Where permitted, exchanges or transfers will incur a processing fee. If a program or event is cancelled or re-scheduled, NCM will use reasonable endeavours to issue refunds on request unless:
  • The event is cancelled or re-scheduled due to any cause beyond NCM’s reasonable control, there is no right of refund or exchange and NCM is not obliged to arrange a substitute event.
  • If tickets are sold by NCM as agent for the event owner, the event owner will determine if and when to issue refunds or exchanges.
  • If someone other than the purchaser validates a ticket the purchasers ticket can not cannot be replaced.
  • Exhibition tickets cannot be used for any other program or event, unless otherwise stated.
  • Entry to NCM exhibitions is subject to capacity at the time of arrival. Late arrival for exhibitions and programs may result in non-admittance.
  • To the extent permitted by law, NCM has no liability to you beyond the amount paid to NCM for a ticket. Where tickets are sold by NCM as agent for the event owner NCM will not be held liable for any dispute over an event or ticket purchase.


  • NCM will request and record personal information as necessary for the ticket purchase and event delivery. These details will not be used for any other purpose or disclosed without your consent unless you permit us to do so. The collection, use and management of personal information is regulated by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). Please see the NCM Privacy Policy for further information. 
  • Please note that where tickets are sold by NCM as agent for the event owner, and you give your consent, your personal information may be provided to the event owner. You should read the event owner's privacy policy to learn how they may use and manage your information.
  • If you do not wish to provide personal information you can transact anonymously by purchasing tickets in person at our Ticket & Information Desk. Some events may not be available for in-person purchasing.


  • NCM Membership is non-refundable.
  • Members receive discounted tickets to NCM programs and events. The discount may not apply to programs which include exhibition entry.
  • NCM Members special offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers.
  • NCM Members reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions without notice.

Gift Vouchers

  • NCM Gift Vouchers are valid for 36 months from the date of purchase.
  • NCM Gift Vouchers can only be redeemed against Exhibition and Program tickets.

Education Groups

  • All Education group bookings and right of admission is reserved and subject to NCM’s Terms and Conditions of Education.